Munawar Noor



The Concept of Democracy is one of the products of Western thought that has gone through a long history since ancient Greece that was neglected in the development of mainstream discourse, but returned to popularity in the 18th century and became a constant conversation when the wave of democratization hit countries in the world since in the 1970s. What is interesting about the concept of democracy is the inspiration of the thoughts that it gave birth to political transformation in many countries that inspired to inspire many scholars and activists in many developing countries who were also struggling with autocratic regimes to deepen it.
Democratic reforms have always been special news in various mass media, both in newspapers, television, and not only discussed in general contexts, such as in mass media, but also in more specialized public spaces. For example, it was seen when the first direct presidential election in Indonesia after the New Order was broadcast widely and attracted the attention of the world's citizens. Democracy is also discussed in restaurants, football stadiums, malls, terminals and many other places including Nobar (Watching goods) Presidential / Cawapres debate ahead of the 2019 Presidential Election.        
This reality shows that democracy has been accepted as an important word in the present century. But the problems that need to get mutual attention, how the democratization process takes place, the key actors, the interaction between actors what will be achieved, the driving factors and obstacles to the democratization process.

Keywords: Democracy, Democratization Process, Reformation, Interaction

between  actors


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