Rahmadsyah Rahmadsyah


Sea transportation has an important role in the development of the community because the flow of goods and the traffic of people (passengers) by sea can run smoothly.  With the smooth traffic of goods and passengers, this certainly makes it easier for people to meet their needs. Sea transportation activities are inseparable from the risk of unexpected events, one of which is ship accident.  Based on this background the authors are interested in conducting research with the title "Responsibility of Carrier Against the Owner of Goods Due to Accidents in Sea Transportation, formulation of the problem: 1. How is the responsibility of the carrier to the owner of goods in the event of damage to goods due to accidents in sea transportation?, 2. How Compensation for compensation if there is a loss in transporting goods by sea?  In this paper the research method used is a normative juridical approach, descriptive analytical research specifications, the main data source uses secondary data, the data analysis method uses qualitative methods.  Research and discussion results are as follows: 1. Maintain the safety of the goods transported from the time of receipt until the time of delivery and has become the responsibility of the carrier if the goods are wholly or partly unable to be delivered or damaged The transporter is obliged to compensate for the loss of the goods being transported 2. If an accident occurs in sea transport recipient of goods does not receive the goods as stated in the agreement of the consensus of the recipient is obliged to make a claim letter to the shipping company within the specified time by explaining the loss suffered.


Responsibility; Sea Transportation; Ship Accidents.


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