Kebijakan pemerintah membebaskan lahan warga desa untuk penambangan batu andesit di Desa Wadas telah memunculkan perlawanan kaum perempuan menolak kebijakan tersebut. Peristiwa dari perlawanan perempuan itu klimaks saat terjadi tindakan represif oleh aparat keamanan ketika dilakukan pengukuran lahan untuk lokasi penambangan. Warga desa laki-laki dan perempuan diintimidasi, ditangkap, dipaksa, diseret, dan dipukul oleh aparat keamanan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan informasi tentang terjadinya perlawanan perempuan dan faktor-faktor penyebabnya serta strategi penyelesaian konflik agrarian tersebut. Jenis penelitian dokumentasi dipilih dengan pendekatan riset kualitatif dan teknik analisis desktiptif kualitatif. Sumber data primer berupa pernyataan dan hasil investigasi aparat pemerintah dan non pemerintah yang dipublikasikan lewat media online dan media maintrream. Sumber data sekunder berupa data yang dipublikasikan institusi pemda. Hasil temuan yaitu munculnya perlawanan perempuan dipicu oleh adanya konflik kepentingan yang bersifat tertutup dan terbuka antara masyarakat dengan pemerintah terkait dengan penambangan batu andesit. Dalam konflik sosial ini telah terjadi tindakan represif yang dilakukan aparat keamanan terhadap masyarakat yang menolak proyek penambangan batu andesit. Penyelesaian konflik sosial yang tehadap perlawan perempuan tersebut dapat dilakukan dengan gaya manajemen konflik kompromi dan pengakomodasian.
Kata Kunsi: Perlawanan Perempuan, Kebijakan Penambangan Batu Andesit, Konflik Sosial dan Perilaku Aparat Pemerintah
The government's policy of freeing villagers' land for andesite mining in Wadas Village has led to women's resistance to this policy. The incident of the women's resistance climaxed when there was repressive action by the security forces when land measurements were made for the mining site. Male and female villagers were intimidated, arrested, forced, dragged, and beaten by security forces. This study aims to produce information about the occurrence of women's resistance and the causes and strategies for resolving the agrarian conflict. This type of documentation research was chosen with a qualitative research approach and qualitative descriptive analysis techniques. Primary data sources are statements and results of investigations by government and non-government officials published through online media and mainstream media. Secondary data sources are data published by local government institutions. The findings are that the emergence of women's resistance was triggered by a closed and open conflict of interest between the community and the government related to andesite mining. In this social conflict, there have been repressive actions by the security forces against the people who reject the andesite mining project. The resolution of social conflicts against women's resistance can be done by compromising and accommodating conflict management styles.
Key Word: Women Againts, Andesite Stone Mining Policy, Social Conflict and Behavior of Government Officials
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