Kata kunci: pemilih baru, pemilihan dan partisipasi politik
Indonesian’s parliament election will be held on 2019 to elect national legislative (DPR), local legislative (DPRD) also to elect president for Indonesia. This will give a chance, especially newly voters to build and develop a democracy process in a good way it should. In some report, found that young voters have a lowest participation among others. They seem don’t care enough in their nation’s political situation. They tend to favor more in egalitarian politics by joining in social forces to support the marginal side. To gather more young voters, some special strategies needed to synergy what the youth did in their communities and the legislative candidates. The use of entertaining recruitment methods and multimedia strategies to attract the attention of young people is one of many interesting options that can be used to attract them to vote in the election.
Keywords: new voters, election and political participation
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