Journal Philosophy of Law (JPL) is a scientific periodical published in two editions a year (January and June editions). Journal of Philosophy of Law accepts writings/articles that have never been published in other media for consideration and publication with the following conditions:

General requirement

  • Manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Philosophy of Law are scientific articles that include research results or conceptual ideas related to legal studies and can be written in English.
  • The article manuscript is an original work (without plagiarism), and has never been published and considered in other publication media, this must be proven by a statement of originality, typed manuscripts with a minimum of 20 pages including bibliography and quotations.
  • Systematics written in this journal include: Title; Name and affiliation; Abstract; Introduction; Formulation of the problem; Research method (optional for research results articles only); Discussion and Closing.


Special Requirements:


Abstract written in Indonesian and English. The author needs to make an abstract systematically which includes, explanation of the research objectives, research methods (for articles of research results), discussion and closing. abstract written between 250-300 words, and accompanied by a minimum of 3 (three)-5 (five) keywords


In the introduction, the author is only allowed to explain the important points in the research. The introduction includes several elements in each paragraph:

  • At the beginning of the paragraph, you must state or explain important terms, such as if you are discussing the criminal act of corruption, at the beginning of the introductory paragraph the author must explain the term corruption. Explanation of terms can be viewed from the side of etymology, dictionaries, expert opinions and regulations. (Describe the term briefly and concisely in narrative form).
  • Second paragraph; The second paragraph of the author needs to describe the legal issues or legal issues being studied. Legal issues can be obtained from a juridical, empirical, and comparative point of view, which can be described as follows:
  1. From a juridical point of view, this view is based on problems in terms of regulations or legal regulations, both those that have been established or will be established, problems from the juridical side can be exemplified such as overlapping rules, the existence of a legal vacuum, and conflict of a regulation with implementing regulations.
  2. This empirical point of view emphasizes the facts that occur in the field, where the gap lies in the existence of regulations that are not obeyed by either the community or the stakeholders. For example, if the author conducts research on the legislative function of the DPR, then the author must state the issues raised, which can be in the form of problems regarding the non-optimal legislative function of the DPR in terms of quality (problematic products produced) and quantity (non-achievement of the national legislation program).
  3. A comparative point of view can be raised, usually this problem is related to the effectiveness of implementing the law in several countries (but still that effectiveness is based on certain phenomena such as the non-optimal collection of income taxes, then you describe the optimal tax collection system in other countries to be formulated into a certain country.
  • Furthermore, the third paragraph where this paragraph emphasizes data exposure as a supporter of the author's argument about a case raised, such as if the author examines the problem of the legislative function as above, then you put forward data about the number of laws that are included in the National Legislation Program and which ones have been successfully enacted. , data can also be the number of cases, decisions, and examples of real cases.
  • the fourth paragraph is in the form of research originality, the author needs to describe at least 3 (three) previous studies that are identical and sourced from scientific publications with a composition of 2 (two) from national journals and 1 (one) from international journals. In the originality of this research, you describe and narrate the name of the author, the title of the study, the focus of the study, and the conclusions of previous research. When the three articles have been narrated, the writer must analyze them and indicate where the novelty of your research is.
  • the fifth paragraph of the author needs to emphasize the purpose of this research, the research objective is suggested to be more on analyzing, finding, constructing, for example: based on originality as described, this research article will try to provide an analysis of the ineffectiveness of the General Election Law in a country .......

*Note: the first to the fifth paragraph is a simulation in the terms of writing, in the article, the author is allowed to write more than five paragraphs as long as the points as mentioned above are included.

Research Method

Research methods are optional and only limited to research results articles, research methods are chapters where the author is obliged to state the type of research, approach method, types and sources of data as well as analysis and exposure techniques.



Discussion/Results of Research.

The discussion is the answer to the research objectives that have been set, the discussion and research results are explained in a scientific, analytical and critical descriptive manner. The description of the discussion is adjusted to the order of the problems consisting of sub-chapters


The closing consists of 2 (two) sub-chapters, namely conclusions and suggestions. Conclusion is a brief description of the results of the discussion. However, the narrative used is not the same as the discussion. Suggestions are the author's efforts to provide input to related parties, for example suggestions for the government, for the community and for the company.


Quoting and Writing Bibliography


Journal of Philosophy of Law uses a body note model, where the author must use the MENDELEY application to write down the source of the quote. Journal of Philosophy of Law uses a citation style, namely american psychological association 7th edition, citations can be exemplified as follows: Author 1 (Satjipto Rahardjo, 2007), Author 2 (Silaban & Kosariza, 2021), more than 2 authors (Fahmi et al., 2020)


The composition of the bibliography must be primary sources (80%) namely national journals, international journals, theses, dissertations, conference proceedings both nationally and internationally. Other sources (20%) can be books or other reference sources. Each article must contain a minimum of 20 (twenty) references and should be published a maximum of the last 10 (ten) years and only references used as citations may be listed in the Bibliography. Bibliography writing is grouped according to the type of reference, for example: Books, Journal Articles, Online Resources, etc. bibliography writing automatically using insert bibliography, writing can be exemplified as follows:


Satjipto Rahardjo. (2007). Dissecting Progressive Law. Compass.


Example 1 article has Doi

Fahmi, K., Amsari, F., Azheri, B., & Kabullah, M. I. (2020). Election Justice System in Handling Violations and Disputes of the 2019 Simultaneous Election Process in West Sumatra. Constitutional Journal.

 Example 2 Article does not have Doi

Silaban, V., & Kosariza. (2021). The Position of the Constitutional Court in the Constitutional System of the Republic of Indonesia. Limbago: Journal of Constitutional Law.

Other sources

Facts, T. C. (2022). Hoax Regarding the Kanjuruhan Tragedy, Dawet Seller's Testimony to FIFA Sanctions. Kompas.Com.