Metaphor is a linguistic expression that had an indirect meaning by comparing one thing with another thing that had the same characteristics without using connecting words, such as, and so on. The purpose of this research are to discuss the types of metaphor and what their meanings. The theory used in this research was the theory of metaphor (Ullman, 2009, p. 266-270). The writer used descriptive qualitative method. The data were collected by searching the lyrics on websites, listening the songs, and noting the lyrics containing the metaphorical elements. The data were also analyzed by classifying the data, analyzing the data, deciding the research findings, and drawing the conclusion. As a result, anthropomorphic metaphor 16, abstract to concrete metaphor 11, synesthetic metaphor and animal metaphor 2. Anthropomorphic metaphor appear as the most frequently used in the lyrics. On the other hand, synesthetic metaphor and animal metaphor are the least types of metaphor found in song lyrics. It can be easily concluded that the dominant metaphor in Lenka’s song lyrics is the anthropomorphic metaphor. This metaphor is more dominant than the abstract to concrete metaphor. This is because the songwriter is attempting to depict her feelings, herself, or other things by replacing an object with another well-known object. Lenka’s songs have their own meaning and uniqueness. Lucky and Sweet Time are two of her songs about happiness. She uses common word choices which make it easy to interpret the meaning. While, The Show, Sad Song, and Trouble Is a Friend are three of her songs that indicate sadness. In The Show and Sad Song, Lenka uses words synonymous with unpleasant situations. On the contrary to Trouble Is a Friend, she uses wise words so that listeners who are basically feeling down, they are motivated.
Keywords: figurative language, metaphor, Lenka’s songs
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