The implementation of E-Tilang is very important, especially during the
COVID-19 pandemic in Semarang City. However, this implementation has not been optimal. The transformation of conventional public services into electrical/digital public services is very urgent and important to do. This study aims to determine the implementation, optimization and obstacles in the implementation of e-Tilang. Descriptive research with a qualitative approach was chosen as the research method. The results showed that the implementation of e- Tilang was not optimal. For this reason, the optimization of e-tilang can be done by: (1) synergy and coordination between institutions; (2) support multiple resources; and (3) the role of a strong leader. Meanwhile, the obstacles that were found were: (a) the procedure and amount of the e-tilang were not well socialized; (b) the verdicts are not synchronized; (c) the internet network is not yet stable; (d) some officers still lack technology; (e) the Electronic Traffic Violation Enforcement Control Center (E-TVECC) system has not been used; and (f) there are still opportunities for “negotiable” practice.
Keywords: Covid19, Public Services, Transformation, E-Government, E-Traffic Ticket.
Pelaksanaan E-Tilang sangat penting dilakukan, terutama dalam masa Paandemi Covid 19 di Kota Semarang. Namun pelaksanaan tersebut belum optimal. Transformasi pelayanan publik konvensional menjadi pelayanan publik secara elektroik / digital sangat mendesak dan penting dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tentang pelaksanaan, optimalisasi dan kendala dalam pelaksanaan e-Tilang. Penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif dipilih sebagai metode penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan e- Tilang kurang optimal. Untuk itu optimalisasi pelaksanaan e-tilang dapat dilakukan dengan : (1) sinergitas dan koordinasi antar lembaga; (2) dukungan berbagai sumber daya; dan (3) peran pemimpin yang kuat. Sedangkan kendala yang ditemukanantara lain: (a) tata cara dan besaran denda E-Tilang belum tersosialisasi dengan baik; (b) vonis denda belum sinkron; (c) jaringan internet belum stabil; (d)
beberapa petugas masih gagap teknologi; (e) belum digunakannya sistem Electronik Traffic Violation Enforcement Control Center (E-TVECC) secara keseluruhan; dan (f) masih terbukanya peluang praktek “damai” atau sidang ditempat.
Kata kunci : Covid 19, Pelayanan Publik, Transformasi, E-Government, E-Tilang.
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Teks Lengkap:
PDFDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.56444/mia.v17i2.1780
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