Implementasi Program Alokasi Dana Desa Tahun 2020 di Desa Tempurejo Kecamatan Blora Kabupaten Blora

Aris Toening Winarni, Munir Hery Santoso


This study aims to determine the implementation of the Village Fund Allocation Program in
Tempurejo Village, Blora District, Blora Regency and the factors that hinder the implementation
of the Village Fund Allocation Program in Tempurejo Village, Blora District, Blora Regency.
This research is an implementation analysis study using a policy implementation model
according to George C. Edward III by using four variables that influence public policy, namely:
(1) Communication, (2) Resources, (3) Disposition, and (4) Bureaucratic Structure. The
research subject is the Village Fund Allocation Executor. Data were collected using
observation and interview techniques. The data analysis technique was carried out by using
qualitative descriptive analysis.
The results of this study show that the implementation of the Village Fund Allocation Program
in Tempurejo Village, Blora District, Blora Regency in 4 aspects, namely 1) Communication
Aspects, In this aspect, the communication of the Village Fund Allocation Program in
Tempurejo Village is running well and has been implemented according to the technical
guidelines for program implementation. 2) Aspect of human resources. In this aspect, it is
known that the resources owned by Tempurejo Village are quite good in implementing this
program. 3) Disposition Aspect. In this aspect, it is known that the disposition aspect of
Tempurejo Village in implementing this program is very good. 4) Aspect of Bureaucratic
Structure. In this aspect, it is known that the bureaucratic structure owned by Tempurejo
Village in the implementation of this program runs well and is well coordinated. Inhibiting
Factors for the Implementation of the Village Fund Allocation Program in Tempurejo Village,
namely 1) The delay in stipulating implementing regulations and technical guidelines for Village
Fund Allocation from the District Government which causes ADD implementers to be unable to
immediately implement ADD as agreed upon. 2) There was a delay in reporting village funds
from other villages which caused delays in the distribution of village funds for all villages in
Blora district.
Keywords: Implementation, Village Fund Allocation.

Kata Kunci

Implementation, Village Fund Allocation.

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