Petunjuk Penulis
Jurnal Imiah Dunia Hukum (JIDH) is a scientific periodical journal that is published in two editions a year (April and October editions). The Scientific Journal of Dunia Hukum accepts writings/articles that have never been published in other media for approval and publication under the following conditions
General requirement
Manuscripts submitted to the Scientific Journal of Dunia Hukum are scientific articles which include research results or contextual ideas related to legal studies and can be written in English or Indonesian.
Article manuscripts are original works (without plagiarism), and have never been published and are considered for publication in other media, this must be proven by an original statement, typed manuscripts with a minimum of 10-25 pages including bibliographies and quotations.
The systematics written in this journal include: Title; Name ;Abstract; Introduction; Problem formulation(optional); Research method (optional); Discussion and Closing.
Special Requirements
* Accepted Manuscripts Can Be in English or Indonesian
* Manuscripts Published in This Journal are in English
The Title is Written in No More Than 12 Words, Reflects The Contents Of The Article, And Must Be Provocative: Book Antiqua 16pt. Capitalize Each Word: Align right
Author name1, Author name 2, Author name3 1Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Semarang 2Department of Financial and Economic Law, Asia University, Taiwan 3 University of Melbourne, Australia * Correspondence e-mail: [email protected] |
Submission 2022-Jan-14 Review 2022-Jul-15 Accepted 2022-Sept-23 Published 2023-Apr-10 | Abstract Abstracts are written in English. The author needs to make a systematic abstract that includes an explanation of the research objectives, research methods (for research articles), discussion, and closing. The abstract is written between 200-250 words Keywords: Abstract accompanied by keywords with a minimum of 3 (three) - 5 (five) words; Arranged alphabetically; Separated by a semicolon (;). and contains words that have urgency or are often repeated in the abstract. |
| How to Cite: Adhi Putra Satria.”Pedoman Penulisan Jurnal Ilmiah Dunia Hukum Terbaru” Jurnal Ilmiah Dunia Hukum, 7 no. 2 (2023): 1-12. DOI : 10.35973/jidh.xxxxxx |
Entire journal contents (using book antiqua 12pt format), except subtitles using 14pt font)
Spacing used 1.15
10pt between paragraphs
- Introduction
In the introduction, the authors are only allowed to explain the important points of the research. The introduction includes several elements in each paragraph:
- At the beginning of the paragraph, you must present or explain important terms, such as if you are discussing corruption. Then at the beginning of the introductory paragraph, the author must define the term corruption. Explanation of terms can be viewed in terms of etymology, dictionaries, expert opinions, and regulations. (Describe the term briefly and concisely in narrative form).
- Second paragraph; The second paragraph of the author needs to explain the legal issues being examined. Legal issues can be obtained from a juridical, empirical, and comparative perspective, which can be described as follows:
- The view from the juridical side is based on problems from the perspective of regulations or legal regulations that have been or will be enacted. Issues from the juridical side can be exemplified, such as overlapping rules, the existence of a legal vacuum, and the conflict between a regulation and an implementing regulation.
- This empirical point of view emphasizes the facts in the field, where the gap lies in the existence of regulations that do not comply with the community or stakeholder parties. For example, suppose the writer is conducting research on the legislative function of the DPR. In that case, the writer must state the issues raised, which could be in the form of problems regarding the not-yet-optimal DPR legislative function in terms of quality (produced products are problematic) and quantity (non-achievement of the national legislation program).
- A comparative point of view can be raised; this problem is usually related to the effectiveness of law enforcement in several countries, but this effectiveness is still based on certain phenomena, such as the not optimal collection of income tax. Then you describe the optimal tax collection system in other countries to be formulated in a particular country.
- Furthermore, the third paragraph where this paragraph emphasizes data exposure as supporting the author's argument about a case raised; for example, if the author examines the issue of the function of legislation as above, then you present data about the number of laws that entered the National Legislation Program and which ones were successfully enacted. Data can also be in the form of the number of cases, decisions, and examples of actual cases.
- The fourth paragraph is in the form of research originality, and the author needs to present at least 3 (three) previous studies that are identical and sourced from scientific publications with a composition of 2 (two) from national journals and 1 (one) from international journals. In the originality of this research, you will describe and narrate the author's name, the study's title, the study, the focus of the study, and the conclusions from previous research. When three articles have been narrated, the writer must analyze them and show where the novelty of your research is.
- In the fifth paragraph, the writer needs to emphasize the purpose of this research. The purpose of the research is suggested to be more on analyzing, finding, and constructing, for example: based on originality as described, this research article will try to provide an analysis of the ineffectiveness of the general election law in .......
- Note: The first to fifth paragraphs are a simulation of writing. In the article, the author is allowed to write more than five paragraphs as long as the points mentioned above are included.
- Research Method
The research method is optional and limited to research articles only. The research method is a chapter in which the author must state the type of research, approach methods, types and sources of data, and analysis and presentation techniques.
- Research Results and Discussion
The discussion answers the stated research objectives, and the discussion and research results are explained in a scientific, analytical, critical, and descriptive manner. The discussion description is adjusted to the order of the problems, consisting of sub-chapters.
- Closing
Closing consists of 2 (two) sub-chapters, namely conclusions and suggestions.
- Conclusions are a brief description of the results of the discussion. However, the narration used is not the same as the discussion.
- Suggestions are the author's efforts to provide input to related parties, such as suggestions for the government, the community, and the company.
- Table or Figure Data Presentation
Presentation of data both in the form of tables and in the form of images needs to be done with the following rules:
Table/image data is listed in the middle or center, and above the table are described tables 1, 2, or 3, which are arranged systematically, and the table's name. In the end, a description of the data source is provided, as in the following example.
Table 1
National Legislation Program Data for 2020-2021
2020 | - | - | - |
2021 | - | - | - |
2022 | - | - | - |
Total | - | - | - |
Source: DPR Government Agencies Performance Accountability Report 2020
- Citations And References Writing
Jurnal Ilmiah Dunia Hukum uses the FOOTNOTE model, where the author must use the MENDELEY application to write down the citation source. Jurnal Ilmiah Dunia Hukum uses the citation style, namely the Chicago Manual of Style 17 Edition (Full Note). The citation can be exemplified as follows (see footnote): [1],[2],[3]
[1] Fuad Bawazier, “Sistem Ekonomi Pancasila: Memaknai Pasal 33 UUD 1945,” Jurnal Keamanan Nasional, 2017,
[2] Philipp Glahé, “Gesetzliches Unrecht Und Übergesetzliches Recht. Leben Und Wirken Gustav Radbruchs,” BIOS – Zeitschrift Für Biographieforschung, Oral History Und Lebensverlaufsanalysen, 2022,
[3] Made Oka Cahyadi Wiguna, “Pemikiran Hukum Progresif Untuk Perlindungan Hukum Dan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat Hukum Adat,” Jurnal Konstitusi, 2021,
The composition of the references must be primary sources (80%), namely national journals, international journals, theses, dissertations, and conference proceedings both nationally and internationally. Other sources (20%) can be books or other reference sources. Each article must contain at least 20 (twenty) references and should have been published within the last 10 (ten) years, and only references used as citations may be written in the References. Writing references automatically uses insert citations. Writing can be exemplified as follows:
Bawazier, Fuad. “Sistem Ekonomi Pancasila: Memaknai Pasal 33 UUD 1945.” Jurnal Keamanan Nasional, 2017.
Glahé, Philipp. “Gesetzliches Unrecht Und Übergesetzliches Recht. Leben Und Wirken Gustav Radbruchs.” BIOS – Zeitschrift Für Biographieforschung, Oral History Und Lebensverlaufsanalysen, 2022.
Wiguna, Made Oka Cahyadi. “Pemikiran Hukum Progresif Untuk Perlindungan Hukum Dan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat Hukum Adat.” Jurnal Konstitusi, 2021.
Conflicts of Interest Statement : Privileged information or ideas obtained through peer review must be kept confidential and not used for personal gain. Reviewers must not consider manuscripts in which they have a conflict of interest as a result of a relationship, or competitive, collaborative, or other relationship with the author, company, or any institution associated with the newspaper. Copyright: this is an open access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution 4.0 international license (CC-BY 4.0), which permints unrestricted use, distribution, and reprodustion in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited Jurnal ilmiah dunia hukum is an open access and peer-reviewed journal published by faculty of Law Untag Semarang | |