Table of Contents
The Role of Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Teamwork, and Organizational Support in Improving Employee Performance
DOI : 10.56444/ubar.v3i1.4923
Abstract view : 112 times
Deni Tri Aldianti, Camilius Isidorus Ikut
Increasing Customer Loyalty Based on Perceived Ease of Use, Brand Equity, and Product Differentiation
DOI : 10.56444/ubar.v3i1.4929
Abstract view : 103 times
Muhamad Puji Aryono, Syahtri Wardana Priyambodo
The Influence of Job Stress and Job Satisfaction on Driver Performance
DOI : 10.56444/ubar.v3i1.4931
Abstract view : 115 times
Muhammad Bisri Mustofa, Ribut Musprihadi
Mediating Role of Customer Satisfaction on The Relationship Between Perceived Value and Perceived Service Quality toward Repurchase Intention
DOI : 10.56444/ubar.v3i1.4932
Abstract view : 120 times
Maskudi Maskudi, Karsiati Karsiati
The Role of Knowledge Sharing, Employee Competency, and Employee Empowerment to Improve Employee Performance
DOI : 10.56444/ubar.v3i1.4935
Abstract view : 1018 times
Fara Sofia Hanani, Galuh Juniarto, Suparmi Suparmi