Daftar Isi
Theoretical Study Of Legal Protection Of Song Royalty On Digital Platforms
DOI : 10.56444/jidh.v7i2.3333
Sari view : 1443 times
Sahrul Sahrul, Yogabakti Adipradana Setiawan, Wahyu Wahyu
Can Illegal Investments be Classified as Gambling? An Analysis
DOI : 10.56444/jidh.v7i2.2907
Sari view : 293 times
Suwinto Johan
Socio-Legal Research: Integration of Normative and Empirical Juridical Research in Legal Research
DOI : 10.56444/jidh.v7i2.3154
Sari view : 5675 times
Afif Noor
Legal Politics of Electronic Documents in State Finances As Legal Evidence
DOI : 10.56444/jidh.v7i2.3362
Sari view : 1162 times
Rizky Dian Bareta, Triyono Triyono, Rahmat Rahmat
What is the Form of Protecting Customary Land in Indonesia? A Study of the History and Construction of Settings
DOI : 10.56444/jidh.v7i2.3739
Sari view : 262 times
Widyorini Indriasti Wardani