Daftar Isi
The Juridical Analysis of the Urgency of Ratifying the Draft Law on Asset Forfeiture in Indonesia
DOI : 10.56444/jidh.v0i0.4016
Sari view : 2253 times
Christian Samuel Lodoe Haga, Netanya Aurora Siwy
Reconstruction of Regulations in Legal Protection for Customers in the Event of Banking Liquidity Based on Justice
DOI : 10.56444/jidh.v0i0.4215
Sari view : 1138 times
Sugiyanto Sugiyanto
Implementation of Law Enforcement for Business Crime Which is Performed by Illegal Foreign Work
DOI : 10.56444/jidh.v0i0.4328
Sari view : 3916 times
Endeh Suhartini, Rahayu Nuraeni, Edy Santoso, Ani Yumarni
The Deviation Of Informed Consent Practices: Understanding The Inspanning Verbintenis And Legal Aspects
DOI : 10.56444/jidh.v0i0.3462
Sari view : 2032 times
Anang Riyan Ramadianto
Implications In Handing Gross Human Rights Violations In Paniai District
DOI : 10.56444/jidh.v0i0.4231
Sari view : 2928 times
Sri Iin Hartini, Eren Arif Budiman